Offering Curbside Care!

What to expect when you arrive:
When you arrive for your appointment, call us from your car at (708) 758-2400. The receptionist will check you in, and transfer the call to a technician who will ask a few questions so that we understand your pets condition. The technician will then come outside (wearing a mask and gloves) to collect your pet.
If your pet is in a carrier, please place it outside the car and step back so that the technician may pick it up while maintaining 6ft of distance from you.
- If your dog is on a leash, please allow her to step forward 6ft from you, so that the technician can place one of our own leashes on her.
The technician will then step back and ask you to remove your own leash before proceeding inside. Please wait in your car in the parking lot during this time.
Once inside, the doctor will examine your pet, then call you to discuss the plan for testing and treatment. If an estimate is needed, a technician will go over it with you by phone before we proceed with any tests or treatment.
When everything is done, we will call you to discuss lab results and transfer you to the receptionist who will collect payment over the phone. The technician will then bring your pet out to you, and transfer her back to you in the same manner as before.
If you or a family member are experiencing symptoms:
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID19 or have been exposed to someone who is, please let our receptionist or technician know. WE WILL STILL HELP YOUR PET, but will take extra precaution to ensure everyone’s safety and to ensure that we can continue to remain open to help other pets in need of care.
If you are sick, please stay home and have a friend of family member bring your pet in for her appointment. If no one else is available and you must come in, please wear a mask and gloves, and follow the above protocol for staying 6 feet away from other people.
Services currently offered during COVID-19:
- Care for any sick patient
- Rabies vaccines
Please postpone other vaccines, heartworm test, nail trim, etc. to do them at the same time as the Rabies vaccine.
Our goal in postponing these other services until the date of the Rabies vaccine is to consolidate as many services as possible into one visit. This will reduce the risk of Coronavirus exposure for pet owners and our staff.
If your pet must have vaccines separated due to history of a reaction, please discuss a vaccine plan with one of our team members prior to your appointment.
Puppies are exempted from this practice, since they must receive their distemper/parvo vaccines in order to prevent life-threatening illnesses.
- All Surgeries including spay, neuter, dental cleanings, growth removals, declaws.
- Medication refills and bloodwork needed for refills
Services postponed until after the Stay at Home Order is lifted:
- Grooming
- Nail trims
- Heartworm testing and Vaccines other than Rabies
Please postpone other vaccines, heartworm test, nail trim, etc. to do them at the same time as the Rabies vaccine.
Our goal in postponing these services until the date of the Rabies vaccine is to consolidate as many services as possible into one visit. This will reduce the risk of Coronavirus exposure for pet owners and our staff.
If your pet must have vaccines separated due to history of a reaction, please discuss a vaccine plan with one of our team members prior to your appointment.
Heartworm prevention can still be refilled without a test until the Stay at Home Order is lifted
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (708) 758-2400.